BSC K-OS Pre Workout

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    BATCH TESTED / Athlete Safe

    The synergistic ingredients in K-OS not only deliver increased intensity and focus to your workouts, but also improve muscle growth and strength and aid recovery.

    K-OS PRE Workout is Australia's first ever therapeutic (listed medicine) pre-workout supplement. It's athlete standard certified. We third party HASTA® test every batch for over 200+ WADA prohibited substances. It's a pure pre-workout, made for you:


    Creatine, BCAA, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B12:

    • Maintain and support energy production.

    Caffeine, Vitamin B12:

    • Maintain and support energy levels.


    • Maintain and support mental concentration
    • Focus and clarity
    • Maintain and support cognitive and mental function
    • Relieve feeling of general malaise and general debility
    • Reduce mental and cognitive fatigue.


    • Maintain and support vitality.



    • Maintain and support muscle mass
    • Maintain and support muscle function
    • Maintain and support muscle health
    • Maintain and support muscle strength during resistance.


    • Aids and assist muscle growth during exercise
    • Aids and assists protein synthesis in the body.


    Vitamin B12:

    • Maintain and support general health and wellbeing
    • Maintain and support blood health
    • Aids and assist red blood cell production
    • Maintain and support immune system health

    Vitamin B3, Vitamin B12:

    • Maintain and support nervous system function

    Vitamin B3:

    • Maintain and support skin health.

    HASTA® batch testing

    The HASTA® sports supplement screen covers over 200 WADA prohibited substances from the following WADA prohibited substance classes:

    S1 Anabolic agents, S2 Peptide hormones, growth factors, related substances and mimetics, S3 Beta-2 agonists, S4 Hormone and metabolic modulators, S5 Diuretics and masking agents, S6 Stimulants, S7 Narcotics, S8 Cannabinoids, P2 Beta-blockers.


    Creatine is a substance found naturally within the human body. Although found in numerous organs, the majority of creatine is stored within skeletal muscle cells. Put simply, creatine is used to restore the levels of Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP) in cells. ATP is a vital energy source for muscles and creatine is needed to maintain adequate ATP levels. The remarkable thing about muscle creatine stores is that they can be increased simply by supplementing the diet with additional creatine. Therefore, oral consumption of creatine increases and saturates the muscle content of creatine, which regenerates ATP so your muscles can keep on working.

    A number of studies have suggested that creatine may enhance muscular strength within a very short period of time. One study compared the maximum amount of weight able to be lifted for one repetition in the bench press exercise prior to and after seven days creatine supplementation. This strength based test commonly referred to as a “1RM” is a measure of maximal muscular strength. After only seven days creatine supplementation muscle strength had increased significantly.

    Numerous studies have reported that, when combined with a resistance training program, creatine can enhance the gains in fat free mass and lean body mass to a degree that is significantly greater than would be associated with training alone.

    This is likely attributed to a combination of factors including:

    Cell volumisation – creatine causes the water inside the muscle cell (intracellular fluid) to increase, which causes the cell to swell. This is believed to be an anabolic signal, which may promote protein synthesis.

    Enhanced training capacity – creatine enhances the resynthesis of the cells energy source, Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). This can allow a higher training intensity to be maintained, which may ultimately lead to a greater stimulus for muscle growth.

    Caffeine has been included in K-OS PRE Workout to help fight fatigue, enhance focus and improve your sense of performance. Athletes in a wide variety of sports regularly use caffeine as an ergogenic aid.

    There are three main hypotheses of how caffeine helps enhance physical performance and stamina:

    1. Caffeine causes the body to burn more fat and fewer carbohydrates
    2. Caffeine enhances the athlete's mental focus by stimulating the central nervous system
    3. Caffeine may have the ability to strengthen muscle contractions.
    • Nutrition Information
    • The Nutritional Information stated above should be used as a guide only. Actual values may change from time to time if the manufacturers update their formulation. Values will also vary depending on flavours and sizes.

      Please click here to contact us if you have any questions regarding this product's ingredients.

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