Myth Busters Part 2: Working Out

Like we discussed in our first Myth Busters post, there is a lot of false information and a lot of rumours out there about weight loss and this doesn’t just include dieting. Exercise and workout myths are constantly created and spread throughout different circles, gyms and online forums. It makes sense that people want to use the fastest and most effective methods possible to get in shape - but there is so much misinformation being spread that it’s hard to separate the fact from the fiction!

We’re going to explore a few of these common myths and, hopefully, set you on the right track to achieving your goals.

Crunches and situps remove fat from your stomach

Crunches and situps don’t remove stomach fat. Spot fat removal, which is what this myth is perpetuating, is completely incorrect and something that a lot of people believe. There is absolutely no way for you to choose where the fat comes off while you are losing it - that’s something your body decides for you. The only way to get rid of that belly fat is to keep at the diet and keep at the exercise routine. Eventually, it will come off as you reach a lower body fat percentage and, while they are important for a strong core and toned figure, ab workouts aren’t going to give you that washboard stomach that you are aiming for.

Machines are better and safer than free weights

While machines have their place in the gym, free weights, dumbbells and barbell workouts should be the core if you’re looking to build muscle. Machines are good for isolating some muscles, but free weights give you a better-rounded workout overall. Another myth is that you’re not going to injure yourself using a machine - this can be true, but only if you have set the machine up to your specific weight and height. Learning proper form and technique is the only way to truly prevent injuries in the gym.

Running on a treadmill puts less stress on your joints

This one sounds like it was created at a fitness equipment store! If you want to put less stress on your joints then mix up your training, don't run every day, use the cross trainer or the rower. Or do some bodyweight exercises. Bottom line, if you have sore joints from running, stop running! Switching to a treadmill does not fix the problem. When you do run, make sure you take some time to work on a proper running stride and buy yourself some comfortable shoes: these are the two things that will actually make a difference when it comes to preventing injury.

Remember that cardio, lifting weights, exercising regularly and eating right are the only true ‘secrets’ to getting in shape. If something sounds too good to be true it probably is! Make sure you’re making the most of your workout with some of the supplements like protein to complete your daily intake, pre-workout supplements to give you a performance boost and creatine if you’re trying to build muscle and strength.

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