8 Meal Prep Tips for Weight Loss

We all know weight loss is done in the kitchen, not at the gym, so planning out your weekly meals and snacks is a great way to ensure your success.

You may have heard of meal prepping before, or you may think that it is something reserved for in-season bodybuilders, but meal prep is a great tool for everyone. If your goal is weight loss, meal prepping is a great way to stay on track with your diet.

We’ve got 8 tips to help you plan your meal prep. Bonus tip, it’s best to plan out one day or night to plan and prepare your meal prep for the week. Most people choose Sunday as it sets them up for a great week.

Eat veggies at least 3 times a day

You should plan to eat veggies at least three times a day. Whether it’s lunch, dinner and a snack, or breakfast, lunch, and dinner! A great way to add vegetables to your breakfast is to make a vegetable frittata or add vegetables like spinach to your breakfast smoothie.

Plan for when you know you’ll get hangry

If you know you start getting a bit hangry while you’re on the way home from work or cooking dinner, make sure you’ve got some ready to eat snacks like apples, or nuts that you can quickly snack on to tide you over.

Plan for cravings

Everyone craves a treat now and then. But if you’re prepared then you won’t be reaching for the nearest bag of chips or chocolate bar. Make up a batch of bliss balls to keep in the freezer. Chocolate peanut butter is always a great combination, but you can find plenty of different recipes on the internet.

Have cut-up veggies on hand

Pre-cutting vegetables is a great way to ensure you actually eat them. After you finish planning out your meals, do some meal prep like cutting up the veggies, making sure you have all the ingredients, cooking a couple of meals in advance. Great veggies to have on hand are celery, capsicum, kumara, broccoli, beans, and carrots. You can use them for stir-fries, roasts, omelettes and frittatas, salads etc. Cut-up onions, red peppers, celery, and carrots will stay fresh all week.

Roast a pan of mixed veggies

After you’ve cut up your veggies why not roast a pan? Another great veggie to roast is pumpkin. Roast Vege Salad is a great lunch, dinner or snack. I use roast kumara, roast pumpkin and roast carrot then throw through some lettuce or spinach. You can also add feta to make it extra delicious. Roast vegetables can be eaten on their own as snacks, added to salads, or just about any other meal.

Overnight oats

You can meal prep your week worth of overnight oats in advance. Prepare the dry ingredients such as oats, protein powder, dried fruit, then add your liquid and any sweetener you use the night before you want to eat it.

Extra chicken

Cook up twice as much chicken (or other meat) so you can use it for your Sunday meal, and lunch or dinner the next day.

Plan one meal to indulge

Plan your cheat meal if you need it. It can help make you feel like you’re not being deprived. Planning the cheat meal helps avoid blowing your entire calorie deficit on one meal so that you don’t lose your progress!


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