The Important Ingredients To Look For In A Quality Fat Burner

There are plenty of fat burning products out there for you to choose from, but not all were created equal. Thermogenic fat burners are the most popular and effective type of fat burner you’ll find on the market. The word “thermogenic” means heat-producing, and in the process of burning calories your body automatically heats up. Therefore a supplement that helps you burn calories (by increasing your metabolism or burning fat) is known as thermogenic.

Fat burners come in many shapes and sizes. Some contain just one fat burning or metabolism-boosting ingredient - while others may blend multiple compounds. Here’s a look at some of the most important ingredients to look for in a quality thermogenic fat burner and how they help you shed those extra pounds:

5 Thermogenic Ingredients To Look For In A Fat Burner:


Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in plants such as coffee, tea and cocoa. This thermogenic ingredient works by increasing your levels of adrenaline, which then stimulates your fat cells and allows them to release fatty acids into your bloodstream. Once here, they can then be used by your body for energy.

Coffee also helps to reduce your appetite and boost your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories while you eat less. Alone, caffeine's effects on your metabolism are relatively minor, so it’s recommended you combine this thermogenic fat burner with a good workout plan and diet.

2. Green Tea

Green Tea is known as a thermogenic fat burner, mainly because it contains other thermogenic ingredients. These ingredients are caffeine and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).

As we just touched on, caffeine allows your body to release adrenaline and in the process boost your metabolism and increase the rate at which you burn fat. The other ingredient found in green tea, EGCG, actually enhances these effects by slowing the release of adrenaline.

According to scientific studies, green tea supplements have been shown to increase metabolism by around 4% and boost fat burning by 16% for a time period of 24 hours after ingestion.

X50 Green Tea, for example, has the power of natural antioxidants and thermogenics, paired with a range of delicious flavours - check it out

3. Capsaicin

You’ll already know capsaicin as the component that gives chilli peppers their spice. Like caffeine, capsaicin encourages the release of adrenaline which speeds up metabolism and allows your body to burn additional calories and fat. It also has the ability to reduce your appetite. A review of 20 different studies found capsaicin supplements helped boost metabolism by around 50 calories per day, with the potential to lead to significant weight loss over time.

4. Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia Cambogia is another popular fat-burning compound you may have come across. GC comes from a tropical fruit and is found in many weight loss pills and supplements. It contains the compound hydroxycitric acid, which has the ability to block the enzyme ATP citrate lyase, which your body uses to create fat. It also raises your levels of serotonin, which can make you feel less hungry. 

5. Bitter Orange / Synephrine

Bitter Orange is another popular fat burning ingredient, and is a type of citrus fruit that contains the compound “Synephrine.” Like all of the other ingredients mentioned, Synephrine helps to increase metabolism and the rate of fat burning.

Looking To Fast Track Your Weight Loss Journey?

To learn more about the products and ingredients discussed in this article, check out Sportsfuel’s range of weight loss and fat burning supplements today. Including the recently released: “X50 Showtime Thermoshred” - the newest and most advanced fat burner on the market.

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